
Can?t Wait For The Golfing Season?

Can you feel those hands itching already? Have you perhaps even pulled out your golf bag to make sure all your golf clubs are in tip top shape for this up coming season? If this is true you must be one of those who are very commited to this sport of golf and who commit all your spare time playing golf. The craze of golf seems to be affecting more and more people these days.

It is no longer just the young and middle age people who are caught up in the golf “mania” but also the seniors. Many senior seem to be picking up this activity after retiring and many of them seem to move south where they can play golf all year around. If you look at the two major retirement states, Florida and Arizona, you will see that there are golf courses near almost all the retirement resorts.

Many communities are also built around playing golf and they even have lanes dedicated to golf carts on the streets within these communities. If you ever visit some of these communities, especially in Arizona you will not believe how everything is centered on playing golf. Golf carts are just as common as cars along the streets and the quality and up keep of their golf courses are unbelievable. Reading this you might find that one of these communities are just what you have been looking for.

Then again if you are not ready to retire yet you may not be so fortunate to be living in a climate where golf is being played all year around and if so hopefully you are in a position were you can get away a few times during the winter season to a place where you can enjoy your golfing. Regardless, golfing seems to be a sport which is getting its hold on people from all kinds of people whether young or old.

Fortunately there are not many months left before the golf season are back in full play no matter where you live but if you can’t wait that long there is always the Easter holidays in between. Golfing is a great form of exercise as well as just relaxing and getting out of the house for a while. Hopefully spring will come early this year so those golf clubs do not have to sit in the corner completely useless for too long

