
Have You Heard the Robin Williams Golf Story?

Everybody knows Robin Williams. His is a Hollywood actor who had won several acting trophies. He had taken great roles and appeared in quite a number of well-crafted films. Robin Williams, though a serious actor, is also a great stand-up comedian. He performs before big audiences as many people are willing to pay so much just to see him perform some funny acts or tell amusing stories. Once Robin Williams start taking, everybody would breakdown laughing.

Incidentally, Robin Williams talked about golf in one of his performances. This is also when the so-called Robin Williams golf had become such a hit. He tried to use the sport for his jokes and ridicules. Trust Robin Williams's story telling ability and funny delivery to bring the entire house down.

Robin Williams said that golf is a sport that was created in Scotland. And he made that awfully clear by speaking imperceptible Scottish words, topped with a ridiculous Scottish accent. The idea is to show the audience what adventure it is to talk to a Scotsman. To make matters worse, he's drunk in the story.

The story implied that a drunken Scott had invented golf. It was supposed to be a game consisting of a hole and ball. It is relatively a simple game, because the whole idea is to simply lead the ball towards the hole.

The drunken Scotsman is talking to another person about his new invention. Thinking that the game is quite simple, he man asked if golf is like a game of pool. But the drunken Scot said it is no where like pool because it uses a short, bended iron instead of a long stick.

The man then asked if golf is like croquet. The drunken Scot said it isn't so. Unlike croquet, the golf ball has to be led to a hole that is at least one hundred miles away. Confused and still trying to understand the new game called golf, the man said that it must be similar to bowling then. Well, the Scot said it isn't because bowling is played with a clear alley. In golf, you would have to hurdle all the obstacles you can imagine - trees, high grass, and bushes.

At the end part of the story, the Robin Williams golf story said that this simple game can cause players a stroke. It can cause your brain and heart to malfunction because if you miss the hole or the ball, you'd feel that you're about to die. And all of these things have to be done eighteen times. With Robin Williams's smooth comic acting, this humorous story is certainly worth sharing.

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