
James Malinchak's You Can Achieve More Than Ever Before Part 10 Of 10

Easy Steps For Instantly Becoming An Achievement Magnet CD #1

John: Some of the greatest pleasures that I have in my life, for instance, rock climbing. I was deathly afraid of doing at the very beginning. Public speaking for you.

James: Well lets talk about that for a second, rock climbing. Anyone who is listening, John this is a phenomenal rock climber. He does it because it is a passion and he enjoys it. He actually turned that passion and enjoyment into a speaking career. He wrote a fantastic book called Climb on Success. He does talks all over the country. He equates it back to climbing and illustrates it with climbing gear and actually even repels in from the rafters. Talk about the very first time you went up rock climbing or the time you tried to climb something that you never climbed before.

John: Well the real introduction to my climbing experience was repelling. I was lowered over to the edge of a hundred eighty foot straight down cliff. I looked down and the guy at the bottom looks like a tiny ant. I'm hanging on to a half an inch rope, an eleven millimeter rope. It was like the size of a Sharpie marker.

James: Were you scared?

John: No. I was terrified, terrified. I was gripping this rope as hard as I humanly can. Everybody was trying to talk me through it, but I'm sweating everywhere. One of the kids before me looks over the edge and all I hear is ��Holy Bible.��

James: Holy Bible.

John: That's what I thought. I thought it was funny too. That was the type of fear that this cliff was evoking. I was 13 years old and had another 13 year old kid there with me. I get to the edge and I was death gripping this rope all the way down. They were saying, ��Just relax. Just enjoy it.�� ��Just go for it.�� I didn’t. I arrive at the bottom with white knuckles, scared, terrified. Well because I kept facing my fear, continuing to climb up, walk up to the top of the cliff and go over it again, go back down, eventually I was enjoying it. I was jumping out. I was doing spins. I was flipping my legs upside down up in the air and putting them up in the air and I began loving it because I confronted that fear.

James: Now you probably sit there and say, ��What was I so fearful about?�� That is like anything in life. We want to try and make more money and close more sales, ask someone out on a date. Whatever it is, we are always fearful because it is the fear of the unknown. Once you take action and it becomes known to you, you just say ��what was I so scared about?��

John: So you’re saying I did not know what would happen when I was hanging on the side of the cliff because it was unfamiliar to me.

James: Sure. I’ll bet now John when your hanging onto the side of a cliff you’ve learned so much that you know particular emergency procedures to take if anything happens.

John: Right

James: You know how to protect yourself better. I am sure you still have fear. We all have fear when we enter into something, but it is not as large as it was and you know how to overcome it now.

John: I see what you are saying. Well James are there any last words of wisdom you have before we close off this brilliant CD.

James: Yes. I just need to say again I congratulate you for listening to this CD program. I know this program is going to help propel you to achieve more than ever before in any area of your life. I put this together to really be your mentor, your coach, your roadmap to take you wherever you want to be. I am honored and privileged that you’re allowing me by listening to this to do that for you. It is not an honor that I take lightly. I am aware that words have power and words can influence people in a great positive manner. That's what I'm hoping I'm able to do for you. I hope this CD has done that for you. I hope this entire program does that for you.

Trust in the recipe. Trust in the system and be willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone, develop a different form of mindset that's an achievers mindset and trust in the process that the process has worked for me and it has worked for countless folks that I've shared

